Why MVP is necessary for the development of the mobile application

Best Mobile App UI Designs to Inspire Developers

Whether it’s a contractor or a startup that has mobile application ideas would definitely face the issue. With an extent of applications already available on the market, it would be crucial to bring out your application of your competitors. And to do this, it is essential to choose the right strategy for an application to develop and not only to spend all your funds on one aspect. MVP is the best way. Today, in this article, we hope to facilitate the task of which minimum viable product (MVP) is and how to determine the cost of transforming your idea into an MVP (MVP application cost).

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Why MVP is necessary for the development of the mobile application

For starters, you need a strong marketing plan in place to create an MVP application. It will be essential to include descriptions, finances, team and the MVP development strategy. You will need to determine which type of MVP will be and which application features are important to include. The goal is not to introduce a product with a complete functionality. Instead, follow a strategy for developing iterative products and incorporate additional features, armed with validated data, on time.

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The main objective of developing an MVP for your mobile application is to know the final goal of your mobile application. A viable minimum product or MVP consists of the most appropriate and minimum specifications for monitoring the viability and validity of the concept through input and user-friendliness of the user-obtained system. The mVP reasons are vital because:

More comfortable to establish the application on the market


Reduces the risks

Comments from potential users

Minimum viable product (MVP)

Minimum viable product

MVP, known as the minimum viable product, can be characterized as the smallest possible thing to prove a series of hypotheses on a business concept. You have to find a team that builds your MVP if you want to develop the next big thing. Many factors such as the cost, quality and duration of MVP production are the main critical factors concerned. Building an MVP is considered a critical factor in the context of life and efficiency of the project.

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MVP is a product version that collects and validates a concept with minimal effort. Frank Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer of SYNCDEV, initially invented the term MVP. Since then, the definition has become more common because the scope is increasing and the benefits are underlined. MVP is essentially a prototype or a specialized equipment that integrates the main features. In the growth of the project, the MVP is not an initial phase but can be considered as a first product.

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An MVP of your mobile application offers the possibility of assessing the risks of your product. In other words, he tests and knows a customer action towards the concept before the end of an application idea. On the other hand, exploring fundamental problems and needs of consumers is not free and always cheaper. Given this fact, it would be no less useful to cover the cost of the MVP mobile application that any other cost of application development.

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To develop an MVP, you must first build a marketing or business plan with complete project concept specifications. It is strongly recommended to use basic software to make the work very profitable. Create an MVP is a typical computer approach, and it’s an excellent base for startups. When you try to develop a new product, an existing business may need a MVP.

In addition, examine all the crucial factors to include in a MVP for mobile applications.

Factors to include in the MVP application

Know your users

The most fundamental and fundamental stage of any business is to know and understand what its users need. Therefore, it is important to systematically lead the development of the MVP application and the customer experience to obtain the exact product you are looking for in an implementation of the real world. Test your product will ensure that this will easily meet the demand of users and the market.

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If you have an idea that suits you best

7 Software Testing Principles Every Tester Should Know

 Business start with you has a mobile application idea. If you have an idea that suits you best, the next question comes to mind: how to validate an application of an application? It would be better for you to analyze the way the application is going to be. Of course, no one would like to spend thousands of dollars on an idea of ​​application without market value. If your product or application is interested in a particular target group, the evaluation process is called market validation.

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Market validation is a term that is often understood, especially among future entrepreneurs. This process is done to find out if the concept of the application is of interest to your target audience or not. How to validate application ideas has varied steps, including a series of consumption interviews with people in your target market. Before making a substantial investment in your product/concept, it almost always happens.

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About 45% of startups struggle because they did not reach their target market. To run a successful start, you must systematically validate your concept to make your product competitive on the market. To validate any startup concept, there are essential measures to take. Today, let’s take a look at some of the steps that would help you validate your start-up ideas and confirm that it is competent with real customers or not.

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What strategies are to validate your application idea?

Research and validation of the market

The first thing first is that you have to have a business plan. This does not mean that you need to integrate a project quite, but you must have an idea to start. Market research helps you recognize the schemas and challenges of industrial consumers. We should not only know our customers, but the search for a competitor is also necessary. Market research would help us understand the advantages and disadvantages of the concept and validate your start ideas.

We usually make the mistake to keep our ideas for ourselves. Sharing the concepts and taking the opinions of good people is the initial stage of validating the startup principle. You can take advice on the quality of other people already on the market and ask them specific questions directly or follow the active entrepreneurs related to LinkedIn with reliable knowledge of a given industry.

Before starting the process of creating the application, validation is an important phase. This allows you to discover your audience’s level of interest, or you could end up losing thousands of dollars if you do not test your idea first. Market research includes various steps such as.

Analysis to validate your starting ideas

Analyze your potential customer and your competition is just as important. Learn more about the goals of the hearing and what would encourage them to use your application. For your application, create a user. A user is a fictitious character that your target audience describes. In your user person’s analysis, you can provide information such as age, occupation, industry, work status, and current challenges. The search would help you know that your concept would hire users or not.

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When we talk about analyzing competition, it is important to analyze their business and find areas they miss as you can focus on these areas. As there are many competitors established on the market, it becomes essential to know your competitors well. You will learn about their mistakes and how they resolved them by evaluating them and the methods they have adopted to succeed, which can also be extended to your startup.

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Understand the size of your target market

Once you have a plan and have performed an appropriate market analysis, the next step will include the target market and its size. It would help you if you look at whether your concept succeeds and that all the time can take advantage of the company. If you are about to start a business, it does not make sense if the concept can not earn a profit. To know the potential for profitability or not of your idea, you must plan to make your business succeed with precaution.

The main reason for using cellular applications in the health industry

The main reason for using cellular applications in the health industry

The use of cellular applications in the health sector has become a gift for doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. They can access patient details when needed. The best part is that they are still updated with their patient’s health.

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A report said that 93 percent of medical specialists believe that health care applications can provide better patient health. About 80 percent of doctors use this application to communicate with their patients.

Both doctors and provide numeric orders through cellular applications. This means that even if the doctor is away, they can always monitor their patient’s health.

Monitor health conditions

Because of the adoption of devices that can be used, the role of application development that can be used in the health care industry is currently very affected. Many people who are enthusiastic about fitness now use fitness trackers and health that can be used. Indeed, this application allows users to stay on their health. This gives them ownership to monitor their health and active life.

This powerful tracker and can be used makes people aware of health. The steps that can be tracked using this gadget are calorie consumption, diet, diabetes, heartbeat, sports routines, and many others.

Read more – How health service devices can be used to provide subsequent level benefits

Better clinical operations

Clinical and medical practitioners, invest in health care applications. The more operations are more automatic; This changes the industrial way to work.

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IoT has simplified a number of tasks that do manually. Medical staff can monitor a large pile of information without much effort.

Reduce the risk of diagnostic errors

Small mistakes in diagnosis can lead to serious problems. You will see serious losses on patient well-being. Cellular health software has wise diagnostic capabilities reduce the level of problems and provide the correct drug care predictions to users. Companies that develop health phone applications combine many other features such as portable cloud companies to store facts, etc.

Medical bill reduction

The health market is quite expensive, and everyone knows it. A good stop in a clinic can be charged a higher money. Medical costs can be reduced through the use of health applications.

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This application also helps resolve bills in a way that is less difficult too. It is possible to schedule payments every month at the same time, and the total amount is undoubtedly deducted every time without your care. The general trend of cellular programs for medical care reduces work to doctors and finished patients.

Benefits for doctors and patients

The doctor needs to know everything about the history of their patients. Emergency situations can be handled by getting all X-rays, tests, ultrasound and MRI in one application.

Patients can also get instant care through a cellular application for information exchange takes place in seconds. This empowers patients and doctors for better health.

Popular Groups on Request for 2019 Best Medical Application

There are many medical applications. Each application makes different health services. Based on the development platform, this application on demand can be classified into two main categories.

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The medical application basically revives the health sector. The application proved to be very beneficial for doctors and patients, pushing both processing steps. Therefore, using medical applications has become a big trend and almost every individual himself enjoyed with him.

How do you feel if the software that you install will be hit in the middle or just damage your operating system?

How do you feel if the software that you install will be hit in the middle or just damage your operating system?

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So true! The software installation is the first interaction of users with software.

Therefore, installation of the right software is very important to ensure the satisfaction and trust of end users. Installation testing ensures that software is ready to send it to end users without problems in the installation process.

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What is the installation test?

Implementation testing aka installation testing is done to check the successful installation and to ensure that the software functions as expected. Performed before the first interaction of end users with software, installation testing is the last phase of the Software Testing Cycle (STLC).

Implementation Basics

Before moving forward, it is important for us to know about the basic features of testing installations. Here are some important features of installation testing, we must know:

The software testing engineer uses it before the configuration manager.

Implementation testing is activity-based testing.

Installation testing is STLC’s last phase.

It’s important to ensure the ideal user experience.

How do I do installation testing?

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Installation testing accommodates very significant values ​​in STLC. It’s important to bring it right so it doesn’t leave the opportunity for any disturbance. You can ensure a smooth test by following the points given below.

Check the existing software version and validation if the software installer checks them too.

During installation, validation if the software provides a choice to the user to determine the installation location and also offer the default location options. Also, validating it installs software in the specified location.

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Validate the appropriate instruction display on the installer.

Verify that software is easy to install from various locations such as the internet, through the network, from CD, etc.

Stop the installation process including and check whether the system returns to its original state.

Check manually for disk space and then validate if the software installer calculates the disk space properly.

Validating the software reaction for low disk space. Check whether it responds accurately when disk space is low.

Verify all registry changes during the installation process.

One main part of the installation test is testing the removal of installation. Validation when removing software installation, the system removes all related system files.

At present, software is available on various platforms, therefore it is very important to validate the right installation on different platforms. Although it takes time, it is very important to ensure software is easy to install on various platforms.

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The importance of testing installation

Think why it’s important to spend time testing installation. Here are some reasons that prove the relevance:

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Installation is the first interaction of your software and prospective customers. Therefore, the right installation is very important to make a good impression on your customers.

Installation testing can help you ensure complete coordination between various components of your software.

Regardless of installation testing, testing the removal of installations is also equally important. This ensures that all related system files are removed from the system that frees all space occupied system memory.

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Challenges in Testing Installation

Installation testing has a broad and time-consuming scope; Sometimes it can be very challenging for you.

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What to Look for in Mobile Testing Tools?

What to Look for in Mobile Testing Tools?

How do you find the right tool for the test script generation? Start by paying attention to the following features – they are vital for testing a successful cellular application.

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Support multiple script languages. This includes can choose from various script languages. Naturally, your QA team must be able to work with familiar ones. So, look for tools that support several programming languages.

Make a test for a different cellular operating system. You must find a tool that supports running your test on several cellular platforms.

Options without scripts for test making. Making tests without coding is very important. The features of this cellular testing tool are valuable for those who do not have programming skills. Plus, you can make tests this way very quickly.

Unlimited integration with CI / CD tools. Make sure your cellular testing tool is easily integrated with the tools you use as part of your CI / CD process.

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Which cellular testing tool is best to make a test?

Meet our choice for five top cellular testing tools for test creation.



Robot Framework.




Let’s look at the main features of each of these cellular testing tools.

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1. Tescomplete.

TestComplete is an automatic UI testing tool from SmartBear. This allows making, maintaining and executing UI tests for web, desktop and cellular applications. TestComplete allows testing of original cellular and hybrid applications. Flexible and easy to use, this tool offers scripts and options without scripts for testing.


Supports testing on several cellular platforms

Allow manual writing tests in the code editor

Supports JavaScript, Python, Vbscript, JScript, Delphiscript, C # and C ++

Easy to integrate with the popular CI / CD tool, such as Jenkins, Git and Jira

Offer recording and replay features to make tests without writing one line of code

Supports the making of tests driven by keywords

Convert both recorded GUI tests and test scripts driven by keywords into supported scripting languages

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2. Appium.

Appium is an open-source test automation framework that allows making UI tests for original applications, mobile web and hybrid. It includes iOS and Android platforms and supports re-use code on Android and iOS Test Suites. Appium is similar to selenium, so if you are used to working with a test automation framework, you will not have an appen setting problem.


Also read : framework automation

Supports cross platform testing and code reuse

Supports writing tests with several programming languages ​​(Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, PHP)

Desktop appium has a recording feature that allows recording movement as code

Easy to integrate with Jenkins and other CI / CD tools

3. Robot Framework.

Robot Framework is a framework for testing testing testing with keywords driven by keywords that allow testing of cellular, web and desktop applications. It is used for testing the level of receipt, testing testing (ATDD) and automation of robot processes.

Also read : framework automation


Supports cross platform testing

Supports the making of tests driven by keywords

Has a broad ecosystem of standard and external test libraries

Integrated with various supporting tools to run, build, and edit tests

4. Xamarin.uitest.

Xamarin.uitest is a cellular testing framework that helps make an UI receipt test and run it in iOS and Android applications. This allows testing both applications written with Xamarin.IOS, Xamarin.Android and original cellular applications.

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outsourced it support services

Your infrastructure settings will always reflect whether your business can run efficiently. Technology continues to grow, so it is wrong to assume that faster or later IT infrastructure that you have won’t start charged.
The longer your infrastructure, the more you will pay to maintain and keep it running. We not only talk about financial costs, but also from technical and business perspectives.
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The consequences of their aging infrastructureCritical gaps in your cyber security
Cyber ​​security is a hot topic that is constant in the IT landscape. In particular now, when cyber criminals grow in sophistication, and determination. They only need to find a vulnerability to get access to your system, which they can find on your obsolete software.
Many businesses continue with pure heritage software and systems because their staff feels comfortable to use it for some time. What they don’t know is how it is a vulnerable inheritance for malware and various cyber attacks compared to contemporary software. And in terms of violations, not only your business will suffer financially to restore problems, but it will also have a bad effect on your brand’s reputation, as well as your relationship with customers.Also read: outsource it support
Downtime server.
The problem with aging hardware is that it is not fully reliable, so you never know when your system can fall. 40% of server hardware that is worrying for more than 3 years, which causes higher costs and increased downtime. It will not only directly affect your business, but will have an impact on your service to your customers too, and the consequences of prolonged downtime can be brutal.
You also have to take into account the experience of the employee. Reportedly constant will affect their productivity and performance – something that your business is unable to lose. But increasing to modern infrastructure such as cloud will provide a greater reliability, performance, speed and scalability.Also read: it supports services company
Inability to innovate
All businesses must think about how they can use new software, hardware and technology to help business growth. And while some businesses have moved forward with their digital transformation projects, some are still stuck in their old way. The problem with infrastructure that has been outdated is that it is not dynamic enough to scale with your business, which will prevent you from innovation, and limit you to get the competitive advantage you need.Also read: it supports companies for small business
Total cost of high ownership (TCO)
If you still run your business premise, then there is a good chance that you deal with high ownership costs. On-premise storage is generally equipped with high maintenance costs. You have been gardening with initial capital investment to buy additional servers and hardware. But then you also get additional costs such as software and licenses to improve the system, and follow maintenance and repairs.
You don’t need to worry about this with Cloud, migrating far from means that there will be no fees for hardware or software that is upfront, you will only pay for what you use, and the cost of care will decrease dramatically. And the best of all, your data will be much safer in the cloud. In fact, the latest surveys found that 40% of business moved their inheritance system to the cloud to secure their data.
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How do I know it’s time to upgrade IT infrastructure?Your server is too oftenYour system runs slowlyOutdated softwareYou still rely on the server on your premiseYou struggle with limited storage spaceYou don’t have a reserve plan and a comprehensive recoveryEmployees complain about a slow and disturbing systemAlso read: its solutions company
Many businesses are still running on their inheritance systems because they have fears will change, and their self-satisfied mentality stands out with the old one “if not damaged, why fix it? But the reality is the time to say goodbye to the old one, and hello digital transformation.

What do IT service professionals really think about companies working remotely?

Working remotely has a challenge for many of us. We all have to adjust recently in a way new work, in a new location, even if you have worked from home since before the kuncian. This adjustment is related to customers, collaborating on our team, and understands the world and market in an unprecedented season.

Fortunately, many of us have found great benefits from working remotely too! Less traveling, more pajamas & yoga lunches, among others.

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We serve professionals, however, have worked far for some time. We think we will share with you the highest ‘real talk’ and the lowest position of what IT professionals think really thinks of long distance work.

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Benefits of long distance work

There is no doubt that we see real benefits with long distance work, connect and remain productive. The IT world has exploded with cellular phones, WiFi data and even efforts (may be rather weak) on internet access in commercial flights. Everyone wants the ability to work everywhere to keep their employers and their customers happy.

You will find that in countries such as the US, there is an increase of 159% in people who work remotely from 2005 to 2017 – in all sectors including legal, commercial property and manufacturing.

Excellence and competitive services are immediately lost without access to CRM in steps or emails from home just to ‘catch up’ before and at the end of the working day.

However, when it comes to working from home flexibly or permanently, this is more ‘taboo’ rather than being able to access work emails while on vacation.

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Myth becomes a challenge

There is no doubt that almost every professional IT service will work with remote rubber stamp, subject to some fine molds.

Instead, many business owners are nervous for years about employees not present in the office during working hours and working from home. This nervousness is often from unknown and comes from myths.

These myths create challenges for IT services, and business teams, to implement what can be a very efficient and productive work method. These myths include:

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“The team I want to work from home so they can work from their garden”

Cannot deny that because the balance of work life promoted, long distance work is very popular. However, managers are truly wrong if they believe the benefits of long-distance work support their employees.

There is a significant study that shows lower operating costs, the low level of friction and increasing productivity with the balance of homework. Maybe this needs to be a Split A / B test with several employees?

Approach “All or not at all” is not needed with a remote or homework. Thousands of companies around the world loosen to work and one team long-distance work policy at once. You might be surprised how many your employees will continue to come to the office or attend a few days a week for team interaction.

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“My employees will be disturbed by their couples, children and DIY”

Maybe there will be a little disturbance at home, but how often employees are disturbed from working at work? Especially in the open plan office. Interruptions can be a productivity nightmare.

Warning to silver bullets working remotely

We mentioned before about small print. We definitely advocate for long distance work, but it needs to be done completely, and well. Strategy and planning to apply the correct technology, reserves and security are very important. Poor executions will provide poor results and the impact of business performance and trust in long distance work.

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How does VR change the workforce as we know? The RS component reveals VR predictions for the next 30 years.

AR in Ups training

How does VR change the workforce as we know? The RS component reveals VR predictions for the next 30 years.

Virtual reality is very famous for its impact on the gaming and entertainment industry, with consoles and handheld adapting to allow users to experience a completely new realistic experience. Over the years, VR has evolved and is now immersed in the workplace and shifts into more business applications.

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The RS component has analyzed some of the most interesting predictions that will occur with VR for the next 50 years. With Sony alone, it is estimated that sending 2.2 million units in 2019, is the business world that is ready for what VR will be brought and how does the industry change? Under Alexandra Berger, senior representative of President Marketing & Communications, Emea on the RS component highlighted how much this prediction is set to change the way we work.

In just two years, technology will be able to create experiences for humans where we cannot say the difference between the virtual and real world, with the incorporation of Augmented Reality and VR.

Virtual human

VR is set to be a part of our daily lives because we create virtual humans for friendship – even though expressions are expected to be ongoing work. It will take time to get used to, however, in the work environment, it can be a good solution to increase moral and involvement of long distance workers.

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Recruitment Revolution

It is estimated that in 2030 virtual avatars will be used to recruit. Companies can use VR to interview and employ employees at the same time, reduce costs and time. Furthermore, VR can also provide candidates with the option to take office virtual tours to get an understanding of where they can work without traveling.

Techy Training

VR is also a fantastic investment for those who need to provide training at work to mass labor. While this is expensive to apply at first, this is quickly repaid because it can be used several times. Eliminate costs for 3rd party coaches, travel and facilities. It also allows training to personalize the needs of each individual, rather than providing training sessions to all departments.

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In 2026 the design of the virtual reality headset is set to be slimmer, because the headset will be obtained with the same size and style with sunglasses; Make them more comfortable, easy to use and inclusive.

Highstreet versus online

It is estimated that in 2050, the retail industry and street shops will be replaced by online services. This will give consumers the ability to try clothes in the VR dressing room, where they will be able to see how things fit, and suggested by the AI ​​Shop assistant who can meet your tastes.

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In your life, you will have your own virtual shopping assistant and this is expected, encouraging the need for human stores assistants.

This development opens up a further opportunity for businesses to market their products and services online. With car manufacturers have built a virtual showroom that allows customers to take vehicles for virtual drives. With VR, consumers will have the ability to experience close and personal stores.

Now as the next generation of consumers and employees appear, business is expected to remain up to date with the latest technological advancements. Unlike most new technologies, VR has integrated itself to the world of work very well.

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How to Automate Mobile Application Testing Using Selenium

Best Practices for Web Application Testing

Selenium is an open-source testing tool which is mainly used for regression testing and functional testing. Identified as a collection of software testing tools, selenium suites can be used to automate web browser testing. Talking about testing cellular applications, it is a well-known fact that you as testers must have heard about selenium. And if you want to know whether selenium can be used to automate cellular application testing, the following detailed explanation will highlight your query.

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Application testing

To answer the question “Can Selenium become a cellular application testing tool?” The answer is negative. But the good news is that you can maximize selenium to test cellular sites. This is definitely a reason that can comfort you. And there are several other reasons that will make you smile.

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Selenium, as an open-source testing tool, does not involve licensing costs and therefore ranks above through other testing devices currently employed. Even though you cannot use selenium to automate the testing of cellular applications, you are profitable to use the selenium framework specifically designed for automatic cellular testing.

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Selenium Frameworks are designed to automate cellular application testing




In line with this name, Selendroid is a selenium framework that can be used to test the user interface of the original and hybrid applications that can be run on the Android platform. It is also important to note that while the Selendroid framework is suitable for emulators, it can also find its place in selenium grid, when the framework can be integrated with real devices. Basically it is intended to do parallel testing and scaling, the Selendroid framework allows you to simultaneously communicate with many Android devices.

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Selenium Appium:

Selenium Appium is an automatic open source test framework that can be used to test the mobile user interface that comes with original web applications, hybrids and cellular. It is also a cross-platform tool that can be compatible with many languages ​​including node.js, PHP, Java, Objective-C, Javascript, Clojure, C #, Python and Perl. You as an examiner can take advantage of cross platform characteristics when you can easily use selenium appium through a single test script to test on the Android, Windows, Linux or iOS platform.

A dozen simple steps involved in automating testing cellular applications using appium selenium

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1. Your first step is to visit http://appium.io. You then need to download the Appex framework along with the sample file as demonstrated below:


2. The next step is to open the zip file downloaded.

3. Continue further by downloading and preparing an Android-SDK file to your computer.

4. See the Android-Sdk framework and Identification of the AVD Manager application. This is to create an Android “default” virtual device.

5. The next step is to run Eclipse.

6. You then need to access the folder without zipper to import the jAVA-> sample code according to the following illustration.



7. After the previous step, this is what you will see; Imported Java project structure.


8. You are now ready to run the Appium.exe file which is stored in the Unziped folder, as exhibited below.

Also read : framework automation


9. You can now launch the Appium Server window that will appear below.


10. Without Hangan, you can change the AndroidContactStest.Java file according to your needs.

11. You can now run java class as Junies as described below.


12. Your results are the application has passed the test.

Great! These simple steps when done in series will give you the power of the appium selenium to automate the testing of cellular applications.

Also read : framework automation

Top Important Factors of Testing Blockchain Application

Best Practices for Web Application Testing

Chain blocks are increasing technology that offers applications far beyond safe payments.

While Blockchain is usually considered in the context of cryptocurrency and financial services, this technology has a variety of potential applications.

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This is the reason why blockchain-enabled innovations are increasingly widespread.

When developing into a stage for the digital revolution, Blockchain provides an anxious and cost-effective option for exchange of current consolidation exchange and components of recording in companies throughout the world today.

Likewise, just like new innovations, achievements and revenue blockchain are emphasized in their flexibility. With blockchain, in any case, trust in the agreement is mainly with the probity and consistency of all Blockchain transactions. For a clear reason for testing the block chain application is a cardinal.

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Let’s discuss the challenge and factor to test the block chain application:

1. Smart contract

Smart contract is the main element of the validation technology in Blockchain. Smart Contract is a standard setting as a programmed construction that is advanced automatically forcing itself as a predetermined requirement.

So, for what reasons we feel that testers are very important when testing block chain applications for various types of frameworks?

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Basically, given the fact that the agreement was sent to Blockchain, it could never be replaced.

The majority of the main ideas of Blockchain can be produced and tested in general, even though smart contracts are exceptions.

We cannot allow errors in the code. So, you must be very confident that the testing is high quality and that every factor that must be secured has been secured. The key factor to consider when the application block chain testing is:

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Approved the technique for the same smart contract as in fire testing.

Validating strategies.

Confirm the limit value.

Validating conditional statements.

Test all APIs for smart contracts independently.

2. Security

Blockchain appears to appear on the news to announce the growing value of Bitcoin or Bitcoin theft, put forward a striking problem: Is Bitcoin safe?

Many security layers are included with identity determination. Unfortunately, once the character of the character is hacked, the exchange quickly cannot be stopped. Key variations can confuse theft, at the end of the day, anything that can be included can also be stolen, with deficiencies, for example, caching or tools that are less like sniffers.

Some tests must be considered for secure transactions utilizing blockchain by defeating obstacles.

These testing factors will offer directions to be adequately tested with proper validation and how to verify for applications based on Blockchain technology.

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The testing factor is as follows:

Access and authentication

Present the data provided

Private key

Secure hash, consensus algorithm

Wallet signature process.

Owaps Guidelines for Web and Cellular Applications

Vulnerability evaluation

3. Performance

As a Blockchain progress, the experience of the user members will be medium about trust as a speed of handling transactions.

Performance tests must be connected to blockchains according to the point of view of the end user of the customer application, the reaction needed from the intelligent contract, and the system interface.

In addition, testing the size of the system and its capacity to process transactions is the basis, because it allows you to distinguish software barriers and previous hardware.

It can also allow you to understand potential costs running applications in the cloud or different situations.

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